Saturday, December 28, 2019

Judicial appointments, impeachment, and more

      Since the Trump presidency began, I have consumed much internet bandwidth rebutting the claim that he deserves credit for any economic good news.  I have repeatedly pointed out that his actions have, if anything, DEPRESSED the economy.  Unless, of course, you subscribe to the leftist-liberal dogma that Big Spending and Big Deficits create wealth, then I suppose he does deserve credit.

      But another oft-stated claim of Trump supporters is that he deserves credit for all of his Conservative judicial appointments. 


      The real story goes like this: Conservatives appoint Conservatives.  Liberals appoint Liberals.  It's that simple.  Of course he will appoint Conservative judges.  Did anybody expect otherwise? 

      It's like saying he deserves kudos just for showing up to work.  (Side note:  he spends an awful lot of "at work" time watching TV.  And tweeting.)  It's like saying that if any other Conservative had been elected president - say, Ted Cruz - then he would have appointed liberal judges. 

      And along these lines, the Trump supporters need to quit all their griping and complaining about his impeachment.  They scream that the Democrats have been trying to impeach him since Election Day 2016.

      And your point is?

      Yes of course the Democrats have been wanting to impeach him since day one.  They have, in fact, been very clear about that.  So, an intelligent, thoughtful president would have taken note thereof, and made sure that he stayed on the straight and narrow path and kept everything squeaky clean.  An intelligent president would have realized that even the BARE HINT of impropriety would send the Democrats into an impeachment tizzy, looking for the tiniest infraction, even it was a borderline "high crime or misdemeanor".  An intelligent president would gather his advisors and heed their advice before plunging feet first into anything questionable. 

Trump's reaction
      But no - Trump, in his usual fashion, took the bait and fell right into their snare.  He deserves every ounce of scorn and ridicule for not seeing this coming, and not taking necessary steps to prevent it.   Now he's breaking all sorts of Twitter records griping about how unfair it all is.  (For a really great editorial about our Whiner in Chief, read this article.)

      Anyway, in the textbooks of the future, under the caption of "Trump, Donald J.", the very first paragraph - nay: make that the very first SENTENCE - will state that he was only the third U.S. president ever impeached.  What a legacy.

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