Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Just go through the motions, please

      The ultimate outcome of Trump's presidency was predetermined on the day he was elected.  On that day, the Democrats vowed that they would find a way to impeach him, regardless of whether or not the charges had any merit.  The Republicans vowed that they would resist impeachment or conviction, regardless of whether or not the charges had any merit. 

      And of course Trump had set the standard when he started his campaign, whereby every single day he would do or say something stupid.  Sometimes even multiple times in one day!  

      (Initially, I had presumed that he was too smart to actually do something that might be impeachable; it seems I was wrong.)

Do woodchucks chuck wood?
      The outcome was then engraved into concrete with the 2018 mid-term elections, when the Democrats took control of the House and the Republicans kept control of the Senate.  It's like a Geico commercial:  Do Democrats impeach Trump?  Do Republicans resist it?  Do woodchucks chuck wood?

      And so here we are today, living in a scenario that any grade-schooler could have predicted.  And yet our duly elected "leaders" are dragging the whole thing out ad infinitem with their endless debates over procedures and witnesses and all sorts of myriad details that won't make a hoot of difference when the dust settles.  And all at taxpayer expense, I might add, while far more important issues and problems await attention.

      Congress, please just keep calm and go through the motions.  Let's get this over with!

      I'd like to think that that would be the end of it.  But - not so fast.

      Take a look at what is heading our way in 2021.  The Democrats are, evidently, unable to field a candidate that inspires them.  A lot of Democrat voters fall into the "Centrist" wing, and are unlikely to support Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.  And Joe Biden is a major yawner.   

      Meanwhile, Trump's base and toadies continue to cheer him on.  His daily acts of stupidity, they say, is just his way of being a strong and unpredictable leader!  Even the Evangelicals ignore his evil, immoral, belligerent acts and worship him like he's the Messiah himself.  Face it:  Trump is likely going to be re-elected.  And of course he will continue to do and say stupid things every single day.

      Now although I haven't heard much prognostication about how Congress may change in the 2020 elections, one could presume that things stay as they are today:  Democrats running the House, Republicans running the Senate.   

      You see where I'm going with this?

      We are looking at a plausible situation where Trump could get impeached - AGAIN!  The history books of tomorrow will state that not only is he the third president to get impeached, but that he's also the first president to get impeached MULTIPLE TIMES!

      Note my careful wording here, using the word "multiple" instead of "twice".   No telling how many times this soap opera will be rehashed. 

      Remember:  you read it here first.

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