Friday, March 27, 2020

My prediction for the remainder of 2020

      The following prognosticative story is 100% fiction.  But, it COULD happen!

    On Easter Sunday, Trump's plan for easing of social distancing guidelines goes forward.

     Coronavirus hits peak.  The stock market creeps upward.  Trump's approval numbers go up slightly.

     Coronavirus cases begin to level off.  Economy begins to pick up.  Trump claims all the credit, but the Democrats and the news media do not agree.  Trump increases his attacks against the "fake" news media.

     Coronavirus cases continue to decrease.   A pharmaceutical company announces that a vaccine may be ready ahead of schedule.  Economy continues to improve.   
     Trump claims credit for these events, and his approval numbers spike.  He becomes more boisterous, more brazen.  At a campaign rally, he says he is so popular now, he could do ANYTHING and get away with it.  He says he should use all this power to get the "pesky fake news media" off his back.  In subsequent tweets, he repeats this claim.  
     At the next rally, he goes even further, saying: "You know, I really need to take out the fake news media."  The crowd cheers!

     Two days later, a home-made bomb goes off at the CNN building, killing dozens of employees. 
     A group of hard-core Trump supporters (which includes some white supremacists) puts posts on social media claiming responsibility.  Their messages say: "We were following the orders of our leader."
     Trump sends out a tweet-storm, denying ordering the bombing, and claiming that the Democrats are the true culprits.  But many Republicans, media personalities, and other supporters begin to turn against him, acknowledging that his own words directly caused this atrocity.
     The House of Representatives quickly files impeachment charges.

     Congress orders an investigation into whether or not Trump actually ordered the bombing of the CNN building.  No conclusive evidence is found.  Nonetheless, the House votes to impeach Trump - for the second time. 
     Trump erupts in anger, sending out a stream of endless tweets around the clock.   He schedules a campaign rally - but only a couple dozen supporters show up.  In a fit of rage, Trump refuses to take the stage. 
     Days before the Republican National Convention, by a close vote, the Senate votes to remove him from office.  But Trump barricades himself inside the White House, refusing to leave, claiming via round-the-clock tweets that the voters will "exonerate" him.  Aids report that he has not slept or eaten in days.
     Trump's approval numbers drop to the teens.  At the Republican Convention, again by a very close vote, they decide to NOT nominate him for a 2nd term.  Mike Pence does not wish to run for President, stating that he is retiring from politics at the end of Trump's term.  
Bill Weld
     Lacking any other declared candidates, they nominate Bill Weld.  Weld is the former governor of Massachusetts, and candidate for Vice President on the Libertarian Party ticket in 2016. He had suspended his Presidential campaign in March of this year, but quickly revived it when Trump's problems began.
     Trump is finally forced from the White House grounds by the Secret Police.  Witness report that he was screaming profanities the entire time.

      Trump blasts Bill Weld via tweet.  But nothing he says is remotely factual.
Melania Trump
      Melania Trump files for divorce.  Trump sends out a tweet-storm attacking her and saying what a horrible wife she was.
      Trump's golf resorts and other businesses are empty, with only a trickle of customers, and are losing millions by the day.

      Trump's creditors foreclose.  But even with his presidential salary and pension, it becomes clear that he has no money.  He is forcefully evicted from his mansion.  His children have sided with Melania, and will not take him in.  Some white supremacist supporters offer him shelter.  He continues to Tweet around the clock, claiming credit for the good economic and medical news, and complaining about how "unfair" everyone is.

      The Coronavirus has been contained, and cases worldwide are shrinking rapidly.  Much progress has been made toward a vaccine, which should be ready within a few weeks.  The economy is booming, and the stock market has recovered all of its losses since the beginning of the year. 

      Trump's tweets suddenly stop.  His whereabouts are unknown.

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