Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus risk depends on your politics!

      There's an old saying in politics that goes like this:  "Where you stand depends on where you sit."  It means that, for most any issue, one's stance is pretty much predetermined by which political party he/she aligns with.  That makes sense for your standard political issues like taxes, spending, business regulation, etc. 

      But believe it or not, regarding this medical pandemic we are living through, national opinion over what to do about it has split cleanly down the line between Republicans and Democrats.

      The Republicans are saying that we need to "re-open" the economy, and do it right now!  In many localities across the nation, Conservatives are organizing protests and demonstrations, holding religious services, and generally disregarding all the "social distancing" guidelines.  In the photos of these events, one can see all the American flags, "Don't tread on me" flags, and banners with elephants and religious quotes and symbols.

      Leading the charge to ignore the virus and return to business as usual is, of course, the one man who has NEVER (cough, cough) put his personal interests above anything else:  Mr. Trump.  There was a quote in the news from one of his supporters at one of these events; the woman said:  "Trump cares about our nation!"  Yeah right.  If you believe that, then I have some ocean-front property in Arizona for sale …

      I'm tempted to say:  Let's just let these right-wing fanatics have their public protests.  Then they'll all contract the virus from one another and die.  The ranks of Republican voters would surely dwindle!  (The biggest problem with that outlook, however, is that, as they all get sick, they would overwhelm our medical system.)

      Meanwhile, at the other end of the political spectrum, Democrats and Liberals are obeying the guidelines and doing what the government tells them to do. 

      Both of these outlooks, of course, are wrong, wrong, wrong! 

      First of all:  one's likelihood to contract the Coronavirus does NOT depends on your politics.

      The Conservative view on the virus assumes that it is on the downswing, it's going away on its own, and it's all a creation of the "Fake News" media, and that social distancing guidelines are all baloney.  And besides, the medical industry will have a cure ready to go any day now!

Liberal view of government
      The Liberal view assumes that government is a deity on Earth, endowed with super-human intelligence and integrity, and that government only cares for our security, happiness, and well-being.  Yeah, and I got some ocean-front property …

      But there is actually a middle ground here:  Social distancing need not be MANDATORY.  The medical experts can create GUIDELINES that are just that:  guidelines.  There is no need for government to threaten us all with fines or imprisonment if we do not comply.  In fact, the very act of sending armed police to enforce such rules are self-defeating, as the physical contact involved would risk all parties with infection.

      Government's role should be as an advisor.  Tell the people what they SHOULD do, then leave it up to them to decide if the advice is sound.  If ANY governmental entity feels it must apply force, then delegate that power down to the lowest possible governmental level.  By all means, the swamp creatures and other do-gooders at the Federal level have NO business whatsoever telling citizens what to do or not do.

       Like so many issues, the coronavirus should not be another political football.  Let the medical pros handle the medical details.  And please don't let this become yet another excuse to make government bigger and more powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Judy Messina sent me this comment:

    "Whoa, whoa -- I am a liberal who does NOT believe that government is an all-knowing, benevolent organization! I know that government is needed to balance the runaway tendencies of unfettered capitalism, but it is always important to Follow The Money. It's also imperative to check sources, and to find a middle ground where both sides can succeed, because both sides are partially correct. We have enough checks and balances written into our constitution to make sure that government will not "control" us. We maintain control by making our voices heard: calling Washington, city council, writing op eds, and advocating for causes."
