Saturday, December 11, 2021

USA tries to dictate Russian foreign policy


Joe Biden acting tough

     President Biden wagged his scolding finger at Russian president Putin and told him that if Russia invades Ukraine, there would be serious consequences!  Read about it here.

      Now granted, Russia should stay out of Ukraine.  Military aggression and invasions do not make the world a better place, not for America, not for Russia, not even for the invaders, should they be successful, which they usually are not.  In the case of Russia, they've been thru this debacle before.  (See:  Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.) 

      For the life of me, I cannot fathom why some pipsqueak, hard-to-find-on-the-map nation like Ukraine is deemed so damn important.  Regardless, Biden has concluded that defending Ukraine is a job for the US government!  Evidently, our government doesn't spend enough money, doesn't have enough troops all over the world, and doesn't fight enough wars.  And American soldiers are expendable pawns.

      As for deploying sanctions, embargoes, and blockades against other nations:  that never works as expected.  American politicians somehow have this mindset that if we create harsh economic conditions on some other nation, then their leaders will change their policies to something we approve of.  Sorry, but, ain't gonna happen.  If anything, it just gives foreign tyrants a scapegoat; they point to us and say:  "See?  The Americans are causing all this misery and grief!"  The USA has been vainly attempting this "strategy" in Cuba for decades, and it still hasn't softened the hearts of their Communist rulers.  If it won't work for Cuba, our next-door neighbor and a tiny spot on the map, it surely won't work for Russia, a huge nation way over on the other side of the world.

Ruler of the World
      There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence which so much as hints that the United States is to rule the world, or be some sort of global empire.  The scope of the government's power stops at the border.  It's bad enough that our government throws its weight around excessively inside our borders, hell-bent on controlling every aspect of our lives and businesses and private affairs.  It surely does not need to continue the pattern OUTSIDE the border.

      Sanctions and embargoes DO have an effect, however, on our OWN people and businesses.  Free trade benefits all parties, and any action that restricts trade has a negative effect on the economy.  If any American business feels that they should not be doing business with some evil, despotic, foreign tyrant, then let the individual business owners make that decision.  Keep the government out of it.

      What about our commitment to NATO?  Well, to put it bluntly:  the United States needs to get the heck out of NATO.  Here it is again:  US taxpayers should not have to cough up money, and US soldiers should not have to risk their lives, to defend some nation on the other side of the Atlantic.  Europe has ample resources to take care of itself, thank you.  The purpose of the U.S. military is to defend Americans - ON American soil.  Period.

George Washington
George Washington, a true American patriot if there ever was one, famously implored:  "Peace and honest trade with all nations, entangling alliances with none."  For what is an "alliance" but an agreement to go to war - for somebody else. 

      Yeah, if Russia invades Ukraine, there will be "serious consequences", all right:  an even bigger, more controlling, more expensive U.S. government.  And less freedom.

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