Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Republican Party needs to Dump Trump

      He's a lying, inept, lazy, illiterate, mean-spirited, lewd, racist, egotistical, immature brat.  He put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution, then sought to destroy it and install himself as Permanent Leader.  His claims of a "rigged election" have all been disproved, and related lawsuits thrown out (even by Republican-appointed judges; and besides, some of those "rigged elections" also elected some down-ballot Republicans.)  Oh and he's been impeached - twice. 

      And yet the Republican Party worships the very ground Donald Trump walks on.  And there's a possibility that they might nominate him for President in 2024.

      Even if Trump possessed fine qualities such as graciousness, statesmanship, eloquence, and leadership, he'd STILL be a poor choice for candidacy because of his age:  he turns 78 in 2024.  And Trump is not exactly an icon of healthy living and noble physique; if elected, the man might not even live to fulfill his term.

      In my article Milktoast Conservative Wimps, I ripped the Republican Party to shreds because of their alleged advocacy of "small government and free markets", while the actual results better align with the Democrat agenda.  But, it turns out, that ain't nothing compared to the Republicans' latest stunt:  calling the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. capital a "legitimate political discourse."  They disregard the hundreds of police officers that were injured, the five people who were killed, and even the members of their own party who feared for their very lives.

      Evidence is emerging that, during the attack, Trump was, as usual, glued to his TV, hitting the "replay" button over and over and bubbling over with glee.

      It boggles my mind that the Republicans cannot see past the end of their nose.  Every time they let Trump get away with yet another instance his shameless mis-use of the once-respectable office of President, they create an opportunity for a DEMOCRAT President to do the same thing at some future day.  Then what?  (I dunno, voters tend to have such short memories that they'll probably ignore the blatant hypocrisy when it finally happens - but that's another article for another day.)

      Of course, the whole reason why the Republican Party is hooked so deeply into Trump is:  they need his "Base".  That's that group of die-hard devotees who adulate the Dear Leader.  Read about how Thousands show up to hear lies and cheer at Trump rallies, and will vote for him as long as he lives NO MATTER WHAT.  Well, betting your future on a ragtag gang of Deplorables is what happens when your entire political system becomes boils down to the philosophy of: Win At All Costs.

      What to do?  How should the Republican Party resolve this Trump love-hate relationship? 

      There's really only one logical path forward.  (Remember, I am NOT a Republican, and I don't give a flying fart whether they win or lose or whatever.  Ditto for the Democratic Party.)  The solution is:  Dump him.  Boot him out.  Totally, completely, absolutely, affirmatively, for all eternity.  Put forth a Resolution that Donald Trump is NO LONGER a member of this party, and he may not, can not, shall not refer to himself thusly, should he ever run for office again.  And have every member of the Republican party sign it.

       Yeah, it's a long shot, I admit.  But humor me for a moment, and let's imagine what might happen next:

      Without a doubt, an avalanche of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits will ensue.  But like all the others that Trump has brandished over the years, nothing will come of any of it.

Trump behavior if he loses another election
      He might run as an independent.  (Alternatively, he might try to create his own political party.  History is full of minor parties that were established around one single individual.  They might experience a brief bump in popularity, but of course it never lasts long.)  But anyway, this is an unlikely scenario, for the simple reason that Trump does not like to LOSE - and lose he would, big time, when only the Base turns out the votes.  No, the only way Trump would run would be if he did so as a Republican.

       So, what happens to the Base?  They're surely not going to go Democratic.  Some could possibly find a home in one of the other existing minor parties, such as the Libertarian.  Some will just stay home.  But after all the screaming and wailing of gnashing of teeth subsides, most of the Base will probably just suck it up and vote Republican, like they always have. 


      Still, any way you slice it, when they dump Trump, the Republicans will lose SOME support.  It's a bitter pill to swallow.  But once done, the party, and the nation, will be oh-so-much better off with that repugnant disgrace finally in the trash can of history where he belongs.


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