Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Biden the bigot

Biden and Ketanji Jackson

      Personally, I judge people by the content of their character - NOT the color of their skin.  (Neither do I judge by their gender.)  Martin Luther King would be proud of me. 

      However, our illustrious president Joe Biden is just the opposite. He is a prejudiced bigot who puts skin color and gender as The Number One criteria for choosing high-level government positions.  Twice now, he has totally rejected any potential candidate who happens to be white or male.  First was his running mate, Kamala Harris.  Lately is his nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Jackson. 

      This puts Biden in the same camp as Black Lives Matter (BLM), a national organization that does not shy from the fact that they are as racist as you can get.

      Biden is evidently trying to score points with BLM and some of the other outwardly bigoted "woke" groups out there who cling to this notion that all blacks are victims and all whites are oppressive.

      Actually, there was a way Biden could have accomplished that goal without raising so much scorn against both him AND his nominee.  All he would have had to do was keep quiet about his intentions.  Simply state:  "I am going to nominate THE most qualified person I can find for Supreme Court Justice.  I will NOT take race and other demographic aspects into consideration."  Then later announce:  "I have selected a candidate who has the utmost in credentials and experience.  I want to introduce this person to you now:"  And then onto the stage walks Ketanji.  Yeah, there would be a few raised eyebrows, but what can you do?  Sleepy Joe would get away with it, and make history.  Black racists would cheer madly. 

      But he didn't do it that way, and now Jackson will now spend the rest of her career with a shade of suspicion all around her.  Every person she comes in contact with, and every word she utters, will be met with doubt and cynicism, because all know that she got where she is for the wrong reasons.

      It's always puzzled me why the Black race gets special privileges that Whites do not have.  When I was in college, there were Black-only fraternities, and there was a Black-only student center.  Woe to anyone who suggested that Whites should also have their own organizations or buildings.  How come it's Ok to have Black Lives Matter, but hell and damnation ensue if you try to institute White Lives Matter?  And why do we have this special group of laws called "Hate Crimes" that only address White-on-Black crime?  What about Black-on-White crime? 

Lady Justice
      And what if Biden had said he would only consider Whites for the Supreme Court?  Would that not be bigotry?  Why would specifying ANY race (or gender) not be bigotry?

      Finally, note that that ONLY governmental entities can pull off this kind of garbage.  Private entities in the free market figured out long ago that bigotry is too expensive.  So if the goal is to end racism for good, then a good place to start is with government.  Be like Lady Justice:  put on a blindfold, and judge everything and everybody exclusively by merit.


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