Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The day America seceded from Britain

      On July 4, 1776, a once-in-a-millennium event occurred:  a group of colonies rebelled against their overbearing, authoritarian ruler, declared themselves no longer under their jurisdiction, and established a whole new nation dedicated to the principle of limited government and maximum individual liberty. 
      Today, we still commemorate this historic event with a national holiday.  But oh, how the holiday has morphed from its original significance!  Rather than a day of celebrating the virtues of liberty and casting off oppressive, omnipotent government, it has instead become a day of government worship.
      At the epicenter of all of this worship is the military.  The troops show up everywhere in uniform, and the populace gathers round and applauds them with standing ovations, marching bands, and flags waving everywhere.

      And it's all fixing to become a lot more military-centric, if President Trump has his way.  He wants to make America more like North Korea, and turn the whole even into a grandiose, star-spangled spectacular with military tanks and jets and rocket-bearing floats and battalions of armed soldiers marching down the street in lockstep.   All at taxpayer expense, I might add.
      Let us first back up and try to remember what really happened back in 1776.  Here is an except from the Declaration of Independence, the last paragraph.  To illustrate just how profound and radical it was, I have changed a few words.  In particular, I removed the phrase "these United States" and replaced it with "(name of your state)":

We, therefore, the Representatives of the (name of your state), in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this state, solemnly publish and declare, that the state of (name of your state) is, and of Right ought to be a free and independent state, that it is absolved from all allegiance to the United States of America, and that all political connection between it and the government of the USA, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent state, has full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which an independent state may of right do.

      Let's begin by calling the Declaration of Independence what it really is:  a document of treason.  Yes, you read correctly: treason.  The colonies had absolutely no legal authority to rebel against the British crown and declare themselves free from it - but they did it just the same.  A valid comparison for today would be if one or more of the fifty states inserted THEIR name above and declared that they were no longer part of the USA.  Scream all you want, but the fact is that is how our amazingly successful nation got its start.  It's in our DNA.

      The U.S. Constitution was not written until thirteen years afterwards.  Then it would be nearly a century-and-a-half later when the United States would begin its quest to become a global military empire, perpetually ready, able, and willing to go fight more wars anywhere, anytime, for any reason, valid or not.   The rationale goes something like this:  taxpayer dollars and live soldiers are infinitely expendable.
      It's time to resurrect the Declaration of Independence.  Let's update all the transgressions therein that were committed by the British crown, and replace them with the transgressions of the U.S. government, detailing how out-of-control government and militarism is destroying our once-great nation.  Then fill in the name of your state, and let's start seceding.

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