Thursday, October 3, 2019

Breaking news: President throws temper tantrum

      For the last few days, the President of the United States has behaved in a perfectly normal way.  Perfectly normal, that is, for a spoiled, screaming six-year old brat.

     At this point, it is uncertain if "Ukraine-gate" will result in impeachment.  But the incident, and his reaction to it all, is certainly not helping his case.  In his latest tweetstorm meltdown, he said that the Democrats behind the impeachment effort are "traitors" and should be "executed".  He reminds me of Joffrey from Game of Thrones, who said that anyone who disagreed with him or challenged him was committing treason, and quickly had them beheaded.   
      Trump is just piling on more reasons why he should NOT be the president.  He is his own worst enemy.  One would think that the Mueller investigation would have taught him that he should tread gently - or at least consult his advisors - when dealing with foreign leaders.  But obviously, that's asking way too much. 
      Every single day, since he began his campaign, he pulls off yet another Trumpism, proving again and again that he's not exactly a good fit for this job.  One of his early ones was: "Mexico will pay for the wall."  It continued with: "I had the largest inauguration crowd in history, but the news media is lying about it."  And on and on it goes.  A couple of weeks ago, he pulled off a real doozy:  arguing with the weather forecasters over the path of Hurricane Dorian.  To "prove" it, he pulls out a weather map and alters it with a black ink pen to show that yes, Dorian is headed straight for Alabama.  I just hung my head low and felt like throwing up.  (Dorian, in fact, never went to Alabama.)  But he "gets away" with this garbage, and no one questions his sanity.  How does he do it?  Easy:  he just wears us out. 
      Having toadies on talk radio helps, too.  See my article.
      Meanwhile, the Democrats are going to use every tool, every weapon they can muster to try and get rid of him.  Complain all you want, but that's their job:  to defeat Republicans.  The GOP would certainly do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.  If Trump wants all the investigations and the impeachment calls to slack off, then he should quit giving them so much ammunition.
      If the House succeeds in impeaching him, no one expects the Senate to remove him from office.  With Republican control and a two-thirds vote required, the numbers just aren't there.  However … cracks are beginning to form in the Republican attempt to defend him.  Republican lawmakers are getting backed into a corner, and there is no coordinated response or guidance.  Meanwhile, at least 14 Republicans lawmakers have announced retirement in 2020 (as opposed to just 3 Democrats).  See this article.  I guess that constantly defending Trump eventually gets to you.  
      But for the GOP, the worst is yet to come:  they are looking at a possible scenario where their incumbent candidate has been impeached.  This has never happened before.  My prognostication is that very dark days are ahead for the Republican party. 
      Anyway, so much for Trump's personal shortcomings.  A few words regarding issues and policy must be said:
      What we need is a President who is a consistent and reliable defender of trade, commerce, and free enterprise, who will not destroy the economy and the stock market trying to prove he can "win" some war.  We need a President who will stop the hemorrhage of out-of-control spending.  $4 Trillion is too much; the country thrived just fine back when the budget was a mere fraction of that.   We need a President who will bring the troops home, and end all this global military intervention, at the expense of taxpayer dollars and live soldiers.  And we need a President willing to actually solve the immigration problem without invasive walls, prisons, forced family separations, cruelty, and instructing armed border agents to just "shoot them in the legs".

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