Monday, October 28, 2019

J.J. Watt versus Donald Trump

      As everyone knows, I'm basically an issues guy.  Don't bother me with a candidate's personal qualities or popularity numbers - all I care about is how he/she plans to solve problems.  

      And then one day, along came Donald Trump, who upended my entire philosophy about what's important in a politician.  To put it bluntly:  the man is a disgrace and an embarrassment to our once-great nation.  He's an illiterate, vain, lazy, uneducated, vulgar, dishonest clown who makes ALL of look like buffoons for putting a moron such as him into the highest office in the land. 

      And worst of all, his toxicity is contagious.  His white nationalistic rhetoric has inspired at least one mass murderer (that we know of), and politicians of BOTH major political parties are starting to behave like brawling schoolyard punks.

      Now, I would like to introduce you to a person at the extreme opposite side of the human spectrum.  No, he's not a politician.  He's a professional football player:  J.J. Watt, defensive lineman for the Houston Texans, jersey number 99.  Watt is blessed with absolutely every positive trait a human being could have.  He's intelligent, noble, gracious, hard-working, and respectable.  Every word out of his mouth or his writings just reinforces him as The ultimate role model for all.  Here's an article mentioning just an inkling of the incredible thing's he's done, such as setting up a foundation to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey.  He is a first-class act all the way, and makes the entire city of Houston feel proud!

     Oh and did I mention that he's also one awesome athlete?  In the game on October 27 against the Oakland Raiders, he again pulled off his signature move:  leaping high into the air and swatting down an attempted pass from their QB.  The crowd went bonkers.  (So did I.)

     Unfortunately, he suffered a season-ending injury during the game.  Afterwards, he tweeted this:  

This game can be beautiful and it can also be brutal. Absolutely gutted that I won’t be able to finish the season with my guys and give the fans what they deserve. I truly love this game and can’t stand letting you guys down. Thank you for all of the thoughts & well-wishes. 

      Contrast this with a typical Trump tweet, which typically is full of ALL CAPS, insults, and lot of exclamation points!!!!  It has been said that he tweets like a teenage girl.  I will not concur because I've seen plenty of superior material written by teenage girls.

      Where am I going with this?

      J.J., if you are reading this, here's what you should do:  retire from pro football.  (Might as well do it now, before any other body parts get mangled.)  Then run for political office.  Any office.  Pick one.  All you gotta do is be yourself. Voters will scramble over one another to support you like a loose fumble on the field.  Then show our nation how to restore honesty and dignity to our crumbling political system.

      That's a real touchdown, in my book.

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