Monday, November 18, 2019

The economy, the economy, the economy

      Reporter: "Who will you vote for in the 2020 Presidential election? "

      Man/woman on the street:  "Well, it depends on the economy.   If it continues to improve, I'll vote for Trump!  But otherwise, I'll vote for the Democrat."

      Arrrggghhh!   Every time I hear this exchange - and believe me, it happens a lot - I just want to scream and pull my hair out!

      For all you morons out there - and you know who you are - there is just one simple question you must answer:  What in the friggin world has Donald Trump done (or plans to do) to improve the economy?  I addressed this topic back in my article "Trump the job-creator".  
     Bottom line:  not a darn thing!  Here are some of the highlights:

    He has NOT eliminated any cabinet departments, not any government agencies or bureaus, nor abolished any major acts of legislation.  Obamacare still stands strong.  The federal minimum law would be a good job-killer to get rid of, but it also stands strong.  Yes, Trump did roll back a few minor environmental regulations - but that is like saying he reduced sea levels by removing a few bucketfulls of sea water.  Businesses across the law still face a tsunami of government bureaucracy and red tape.  Is this the way to stimulate the economy?
     He signed a $4.3 TRILLION-dollar federal budget, of which taxes only cover about three-fourths, leaving a $TRILLION-dollar deficit this year, and as far into the future as can be seen.  Is the way to stimulate the economy?
      Much hoopla was made about his tax cuts.  Allow me to beat this dead horse to death one more time:  A tax cut without a corresponding spending cut accomplishes nothing!  Every dime the government spends must come from SOMEPLACE.  The government does not magically create wealth out of thin air.  Even if  they cut the tax rate down to zero, you, faithful servant, STILL pay for it all:  the legions of 6-digit-salaried bureaucrats; the wars and military intervention all over the planet; the government programs that pay people to sit on their butts; the paving over of our once-beautiful country in a vain attempt to end highway congestion; the tax-collecting goons who can commandeer your bank account; and the list goes on.  SOMEBODY must pay for all this government largesse that Trump has NOT reduced, and that somebody is you.
     Back to my highlights of economy-killers:  Trump instigated a major trade war with China, and a minor trade war with Mexico.  Oh and then he promoted subsidies (spend more money!) to bail out farmers and others who were harmed by the trade wars.  Is this the way to stimulate the economy?

      Understand that the President does NOT have a green button on his desk to grow the economy and a red button to slow it down.  The world is much more complex than that.  A million diverse factors influence the economy, and the president does not have THAT much power.

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